Frequently Asked Questions

Q1.Where is the latest driver for my product available for download?

You can find the most recent product driver in the Drivers category on rapoo india or else you can search by model name and proceed with the download.

Q2. What is the duration of the warranty period for Rapoo's products?

Your Rapoo product is protected against manufacturing defects under the conditions specified in this warranty. This coverage extends for a period of 3 years for Commercial products, 2 years for Gaming Products, and 1 year for Headsets from the date of the original purchase.

Q3.The serial number can typically be found on the back of every product.

The serial number can typically be found on the back of every product.

Q4.What is the cause of the flickering mouse arrow?
  1. Ensure that other operational wireless devices are positioned away from both the receiver and the mouse.
  2. Use a dry cloth to clean the sensor located on the bottom of the mouse.
  3. Experiment with using the mouse on an alternative surface.
Q5.What could be the reason for my mouse arrow not moving?
  1. Kindly utilize a mouse pad for improved performance.
  2. Test the mouse on a white paper to determine if the specific surface you're using is causing the issue.
Q6.Is it necessary to unplug the receiver and power off the device when it's not in use?

Rapoo products are equipped with a power-saving feature designed to extend battery life. It is not necessary to manually power off the mouse or keyboard after each use. When the product remains idle or there is no signal from the USB receiver, it will enter sleep mode automatically to conserve battery power. At the end of your workday, it is advisable to utilize the On/Off power button to further enhance battery life optimization.

Q7.How can I troubleshoot the 2.4 GHz wireless connection?

Disconnect the USB receiver from the laptop/PC. After reinserting the USB receiver, wait for 30 seconds, then power off the mouse and turn it back on while holding down the left key.

Q8.Is there a designated service center available, or can you provide information on where I should send my product for repairs?

We have a network of over 111 service centers across India. You can easily find this information in the "Service Center" section for your convenience.